Gratitude–November 18th, 2019

Gratitude–November 18th, 2019

Man, I can’t believe I haven’t posted one of these since…well, I don’t want to say, but an embarrassingly long time. Good thing these articles aren’t time-stamped, so no one will know how long it’s been since I posted the last one.

Today’s gratitudinal items:

  1. Daylight Savings time changes happen only twice a year. Currently, 7 PM rolls around and I feel like I’ve been hit by a bear tranquilizer.
  2. I don’t have to do anything important after 7 PM.
  3. Sticky notes (Note to manufacturers: contact me for sponsorship opportunities–I’ll mention your brand by name)
  4. Tea
  5. Clean laundry
  6. I don’t have to grow my own food
  7. Lined paper
  8. Quiet time
  9. Not having lost a pen in over a year (caps included)
  10. That there is no such thing as a Gratitude List Jinx that causes you to lose pens if you mention you’re grateful for not having lost pens.

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
― Robert Brault

“Especially if you’re near-sighted.”
― Jonathan Lemon

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